Friday, May 22, 2020

Senators send letter to DOJ urging investigation into Planned Parenthood for fraud

Senators send letter to DOJ urging investigation into Planned Parenthood for fraud: U.S. senators have sent a letter urging the Dept. of Justice to investigate Planned Parenthood's potential fraud regarding PPP loans for small businesses.

The implementing interim final rule, issued by the SBA (Small Business Administration) on April 15, 2020, explicitly stated that the SBA's affiliation rules apply to the new Paycheck Protection Program, which excludes organizations like Planned Parenthood that employ its type of governance and affiliation. Amazing how Planned Parenthood infringed on this!

Two new House members sign petition for Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act

Two new House members sign petition for Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act: The petition is intended to force a vote on the bill which would end infanticide and protect infants born alive during abortions.

Born alive, born alive! It is amazing that there has to be provisions to protect babies that are born alive after a failed abortion. What would you do? Would you let the baby be left unattended until he/she died? Would you take measures to make sure that the baby died? Or, would you make sure that the baby is given the same opportunity that you were given to live? Think about it.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Bishop Says “You Can’t be an Authentic Catholic and Pro-Abortion”

Bishop Says “You Can’t be an Authentic Catholic and Pro-Abortion”: U.S. Catholic bishops are raising their voices for the rights of unborn babies as some high-level politicians claim to be Catholic while supporting abortion on demand.

It is truly amazing that someone can claim to be a Catholic and, then, condone abortion! They are either lying in relation to their faith or deliberately trying to deceive. The Catholic Church teaches that every human life is valuable because he/she is created in the image of God, and abortion is evil because it destroys God’s most precious creation, a baby in the womb.