Sunday, October 25, 2020

Whitlock & Trump: The White House Interview

Excellent interchange between Jason Whitlock and Trump! You must watch.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Sunday, October 4, 2020

The Moral Outcry to End Abortion

In 1973 when the Supreme Court ruled on Abortion, the Court said that they did not know when life begins. Now, we have new science that shows that Abortion is killing the life of a human being. Under the Safe Haven Laws, a woman can drop off her baby at a police station, or Fire Station, within a set period of time, in every state in America and the State will take the responsibility of the new born baby, with no repercussions to the Mother. There is no cost and it is available to the rich or the poor. The babies are then made available to people who want to adopt new born babies. So many people want to adopt new born babies and there is a shortage of them. 

Moral Outcry

An amazing perspective!

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Jonathan Cahn Prophetic Announcement: The Return [Full Version]

If you value God and if you value America and what this nation has stood for, from it's beginning, this video is well worth your time to watch. If you believe in God, try to look at what has been happening and judge for yourself whether we are living with values that are in keeping with God's will. Where are our hearts when it comes to abortion and destroying conceived life within the womb? Why did we think that we could do away with the 10 Commandments, and remove their monuments  from our land, when they were a reasonable and upstanding value system to have and to teach to our children? Or did you not consider them to be worthy? Ponder these question and more and see how they might relate to your beliefs and values. 

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

The True Story Behind the Abortion Pill

Learn the facts and see the reality of life in the womb.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca Making Coronavirus Vaccines Using Cells From Aborted Babies

Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca Making Coronavirus Vaccines Using Cells From Aborted Babies: At least two possible coronavirus vaccines that are on a fast track for development use cell lines from aborted babies. Despite a strong outcry from pro-life.

Ethical alternatives to cell lines from aborted babies are available, including pluripotent stem cells and tissue from placentas, umbilical cords and amniotic fluid. In 2018, the Trump administration created a $20 million grant to invest in these ethical research alternatives. This is the direction that they should be going!

Friday, May 22, 2020

Senators send letter to DOJ urging investigation into Planned Parenthood for fraud

Senators send letter to DOJ urging investigation into Planned Parenthood for fraud: U.S. senators have sent a letter urging the Dept. of Justice to investigate Planned Parenthood's potential fraud regarding PPP loans for small businesses.

The implementing interim final rule, issued by the SBA (Small Business Administration) on April 15, 2020, explicitly stated that the SBA's affiliation rules apply to the new Paycheck Protection Program, which excludes organizations like Planned Parenthood that employ its type of governance and affiliation. Amazing how Planned Parenthood infringed on this!

Two new House members sign petition for Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act

Two new House members sign petition for Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act: The petition is intended to force a vote on the bill which would end infanticide and protect infants born alive during abortions.

Born alive, born alive! It is amazing that there has to be provisions to protect babies that are born alive after a failed abortion. What would you do? Would you let the baby be left unattended until he/she died? Would you take measures to make sure that the baby died? Or, would you make sure that the baby is given the same opportunity that you were given to live? Think about it.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Bishop Says “You Can’t be an Authentic Catholic and Pro-Abortion”

Bishop Says “You Can’t be an Authentic Catholic and Pro-Abortion”: U.S. Catholic bishops are raising their voices for the rights of unborn babies as some high-level politicians claim to be Catholic while supporting abortion on demand.

It is truly amazing that someone can claim to be a Catholic and, then, condone abortion! They are either lying in relation to their faith or deliberately trying to deceive. The Catholic Church teaches that every human life is valuable because he/she is created in the image of God, and abortion is evil because it destroys God’s most precious creation, a baby in the womb.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Mom pressured to stop treating son with Down syndrome: 'Make arrangements for his death'

Mom pressured to stop treating son with Down syndrome: 'Make arrangements for his death': Doctors pressured a mother to abort her son with Down syndrome, but she refused. After his birth, they pushed her to end his treatments and let him die.

What a shame that this woman was harassed, with some in the medical profession trying to make her feel guilty, for wanting to treat her child for his medical challenges. 

Not Surprising: Hollywood Smears Anti Abortion Women

Very interesting video about Phyllis Schlafly with her daughter Anne and friend Colleen telling true facts about the amazingly powerful and liberated woman that Phyllis was. I learned so much about her life and achievements, which were remarkable for a woman during the time that she lived! 

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

URGENT: For Immediate Release... Very Powerful

Check this out! It is very interesting and informative!

Monday, April 20, 2020

Michigan Wolverines football coach Jim Harbaugh: 'There can't be anything more horrendous' than abortion

Michigan Wolverines football coach Jim Harbaugh: 'There can't be anything more horrendous' than abortion: 'We talk about sanctity of life, yet we live in a society that aborts babies. There can't be anything more horrendous.' ~ Michigan coach Jim Harbaugh

Abortion is not just a “medical procedure,” nor is it “health care,” as many claim. The reason for this is because abortion deliberately takes the life of a developing human being — and health care that purposely kills isn’t health care at all.

Virginia gov signs bill removing abortion safety standards, claims it will 'make women and families safer'

Virginia gov signs bill removing abortion safety standards, claims it will 'make women and families safer': Virginia Governor Ralph Northam signed a bill removing safety standards for abortions, yet claims the bill will somehow make women and families safer.

Governor Northam’s so-called Reproductive Health Protection Act has nothing to do with health or keeping women safe. It’s simply another step from a pro-abortion governor seeking to make abortion as widespread as possible in Virginia. He has removed all the safeguards!

Funded by Bill Gates, this organization is marketing the abortion pill worldwide

Funded by Bill Gates, this organization is marketing the abortion pill worldwide: The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a known financier of pro-abortion orgs, is also funding an international org that distributes the abortion pill.

Worldwide Abortion Pills Funded by Bill Gates. Too bad he doesn't concentrate spending money on education and prevention of conception, rather than killing conceived human life in the womb. He is going about it backwards. He doesn't know what he is doing! 

Planned Parenthood happy to help minors obtain abortions without parents’ knowledge

Planned Parenthood happy to help minors obtain abortions without parents’ knowledge: It's tragic that the abortion chain pretends to help teens for an abortion without parents, but actually damages them for life. Where is the real help?

As a parent, what do you think about this? Do you want your children to be able to go behind your back, or do you care?

Planned Parenthood sponsors California bill to hide minors' abortions from parents

Planned Parenthood sponsors California bill to hide minors' abortions from parents: Planned Parenthood is sponsoring a new CA bill to make it illegal for insurance companies to share information about any abortions committed on minors.

“Government bureaucrats should not be helping Planned Parenthood undermine parents’ rights to guide and oversee the healthcare of their children,” said California Family Council President Jonathan Keller, according to “Transparency matters. The owner of an insurance policy deserves to know what medical procedures they are paying for."

Unsealed documents: California Planned Parenthood made $25,000 in three months from aborted body parts

Unsealed documents: California Planned Parenthood made $25,000 in three months from aborted body parts: In 2015, Planned Parenthood said it was simply reimbursed for costs like shipping and packaging of fetal tissue. Unsealed documents tell a different story.

The truth is slowly coming out! They cannot hide it forever! Read for yourself!

Friday, April 17, 2020

Bill Gates Has Given $68 Million to Organization That Sells Abortion Pills Worldwide

Bill Gates Has Given $68 Million to Organization That Sells Abortion Pills Worldwide: Many of the world's richest men also happen to be the largest backers of the abortion industry. One of them is American billionaire Bill Gates.

An estimated 42.3 million unborn babies were aborted across the world in 2019, including nearly 1 million in the United States. These babies were unique, living human beings who deserved a right to life. Obviously, not enough has been done in relation to birth control to prevent all these unwanted pregnancies. Why aren't these benefactors doing more to promote birth control and education, instead of destroying conceived human life?

Trump Sends Funds Meant for Pro-Abortion WHO to Samaritan’s Purse, Red Cross to Fight Coronavirus

Trump Sends Funds Meant for Pro-Abortion WHO to Samaritan’s Purse, Red Cross to Fight Coronavirus: Earlier this week, President Donald Trump halted federal taxpayer funding for the WHO, the international agency that has botched its response to the coronavirus.

There is nothing essential about aborting an unborn baby. Abortions destroy unborn babies’ lives and often put their mothers at risk. Red Cross and Samaritan's Purse use funds to fight the CoronaVirus. The world’s response to the CoronaVirus pandemic has been to devote huge amounts of resources and sacrifice greatly to save human lives.

Monday, April 6, 2020

The Moodivator’s Vintage Fitness Circuit

Get ready! You are going to love this one!

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Abortions for correctable cleft lip and palate skyrocket in England and Wales

Why were people so horrified by what Hitler believed and did? Perhaps, he was right in not wanting the deformed and disabled to live. We are heading in the same direction! Where is this going to end? Are we only going to accept the "perfect" people and who is going to decide what constitutes a perfect human being? 

Abortions for correctable cleft lip and palate skyrocket in England and Wales: Abortion in the UK is illegal after 24 weeks -- unless the child has a disability, even one as minor as a cleft lip or palate. These abortions are rising.

I was adopted and I'm so grateful for the gift of life

This is an entirely different approach to Pro-Life! I guarantee that you will find it interesting! After you have read this you will either have more appreciation for your own life or you will have more understanding of the life in the womb and why some people find it of value.

I was adopted and I'm so grateful for the gift of life: (Truth from the Heart) I was adopted. More precisely, I’m the poster-child for the fetus who, by all odds, should have been aborted by any standard of modern justification. My biological mother was extremely young — barely a teenager. Single.  The stress of high school.  The disappointment of her parents.  Goals for the next few years seemed …

Saturday, March 21, 2020

'Game changer': High school students see the miracle of life through live ultrasounds

'Game changer': High school students see the miracle of life through live ultrasounds: A pro-life ministry in Omaha, Nebraska, has found an innovating new way to reach the next generation. Heart of a Child Ministries has been using ultrasounds to show people the humanity of preborn children within the womb. Founded by Bernie and Nikki Schaefer in 2012, the ministry offers ultrasound presentations, along with pro-life prayer pillows, …

This is wonderful! Exactly what people should see, especially pregnant women who are planning to abort babies from their wombs --- they should, at least, see what is going on in the womb. And, it is amazing how students react to seeing the ultrasounds.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Jennifer Milbourn, Vacuum Aspiration Abortion Survivor

You must watch this beautiful & informative video to get a better understanding of abortion survivors! And to see why it is important to save survivors of abortion.

Jennifer Milbourn, Vacuum Aspiration Abortion Survivor

You must watch this beautiful & informative video to get a better understanding of abortion survivors! And to see why it is important to save survivors of abortion.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Homemade Whole Wheat Bread - Bonita's Kitchen

A very enjoyable video that makes it look so easy to make tender light weight whole wheat bread. I am anxious to try it, since my whole wheat bread always came out heavy and condensed in texture. Hers has lots of air pockets to keep the bread light.