Thursday, February 28, 2019

WATCH: Planned Parenthood Doc Said She Would “Break the Baby’s Neck” if Born Alive After Abortion

Watch the video and listen to the mother as she describes her change of heart and thoughts, in the process of starting an abortion. This will give you new information and new insight as to what many women go through when contemplating and choosing to have an abortion. You will learn something and it will surprise you.

WATCH: Planned Parenthood Doc Said She Would “Break the Baby’s Neck” if Born Alive After Abortion: A Planned Parenthood abortionist's shocking admission to a late-term abortion patient is back in the spotlight after Democrats in Congress repeatedly blocked bills to protect newborns from infanticide.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Born Alive Bill Voted Down

Listen to this and see what you think. You might identify with what is being said.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Baby Is Abandoned And Left To Freeze To Death – But Now Watch What This ...

Very heartwarming story! You will love it and be amazed!

The True Story of Jane Doe and Mary Roe - Allan Parker on The Jim Bakker...

Facts that you may not know about RoeVWade. The True Story of Jane Doe and Mary Roe - Allan Parker! By the attorney who represented Norma McCorvy when she wanted to go back to the Supreme Court to ask them to reverse their decision.

Friday, February 22, 2019

National Day of Mourning on Saturday Will Protest New York Legalizing Abortions Up to Birth

National Day of Mourning on Saturday Will Protest New York Legalizing Abortions Up to Birth: Pro-lifers are encouraged to wear black and refrain from shopping Saturday for a National Day of Mourning for abortion. A New York pastor came up with the id

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Voters in Alabama, West Virginia Affirm There’s No Right to Kill Unborn Babies in Abortion

Voters in West Virginia and Alabama had the power to decide about the future of abortions in their states, and they chose life! This is wonderful! People are beginning to stand up to acknowledge that life in the womb, is just that --- life in the womb! The scientific facts and  findings are bringing awareness to the people of America that we are talking about human beings, not blobs of tissue. Right from conception the egg and sperm are human life.  

Voters in Alabama, West Virginia Affirm There’s No Right to Kill Unborn Babies in Abortion: Voters in West Virginia and Alabama had the power to decide about the future of abortions in their states, and they chose life. On Tuesday, both states passe

Arizona Defeats Bill to Allow Infanticide, Repeal Medical Care for Babies Born Alive After Abortions

It is, certainly, is wonderful to see that the people of Arizona have spoken up to their Legislators and made their beliefs and wishes known regarding the value and preservation of human life! To see the abominable laws that New York has signed into law and Virginia wants to put on the books, is beyond comprehension in America! It is comforting to see that more people are becoming aware of the issues and making a stand for life, in the other states across America! 

Arizona Defeats Bill to Allow Infanticide, Repeal Medical Care for Babies Born Alive After Abortions: An Arizona House committee has defeated legislation that would allow infanticide, following the new law in New York state for abortions up to birth. Like that N

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Abortion no more: Dr. Kathi Aultman shares why she became pro-life

This is an excellent comparison to New York Governor Cuomo Signing Law Allowing Abortion Up to Birth that removes health & safety provisions 4 women including abortion after 12 weeks to be done by physician. It, also, removes criminal liability if abortion provider causes death of mother when performing late term abortion.