Friday, December 27, 2019

Friday, March 8, 2019

Finding the Mountain of Moses: The Real Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia

Ever wonder if the stories in the Bible could, actually, be true? Here is evidence, located in Saudi Arabia, that will convince you of the truth of the story of the Exodus, when Moses led the Israelite's out of Egypt and their bondage of slavery under Pharaoh. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

The Real Mount Sinai Found in Saudi Arabia (ReUpload)

You have heard of the Exodus, right? Maybe you saw the movie, The Ten Commandments, and saw Moses part the Red Sea? Did you ever think that it could be more than just a story? Do you know that there is documented scientific evidence for the Red Sea Crossing? Have you ever considered that the Sinai Peninsula, that is purportedly identified as the exact location of Mt. Sinai, might not be where it, actually, is? There are several explorers who have traced Mt. Sinai to a different location, by following, the exact words written in the Bible, where they have found artifacts and archaeological findings, that confirm the writings of the Bible. Here is one video that will change all that you have heard about Mt. Sinai.

Monday, March 4, 2019

WATCH: Voter Asks Elizabeth Warren: “How Come Babies That Survive Abortion Can’t Have Healthcare?”

WATCH: Voter Asks Elizabeth Warren: “How Come Babies That Survive Abortion Can’t Have Healthcare?”: Already on the campaign trail pro-abortion Democrat Elizabeth Warren is being pressed on her vote to allow infanticide.

Pro-abortion Democrats have been misleading the public about the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. The bill has nothing to do with women’s health and everything to do with the health of newborn infants. It simply requires that abortionists provide the same basic medical care to an infant who survives abortion that doctors would to any other baby born at the same stage of pregnancy.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

FACT: Late-Term Abortions Are Never Medically Necessary

Here are a few facts that you may not be aware of.

FACT: Late-Term Abortions Are Never Medically Necessary: For babies with abnormalities, for mothers whose lives are threatened by complications, and more, late-term abortion is not necessary.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

New poll: Millennials oppose abortion, even when they call themselves pro-choice

Kristan Hawkins, founder of Students for Life, said in a statement that, despite what the abortion lobby wants people to believe, the pro-life movement is filled with young people. “Planned Parenthood would have the nation believe that young women are fighting with them on their extreme abortion agenda but that’s not the case,” she said. The enthusiasm gap between pro-life and pro-abortion youth is something that Hawkins has seen firsthand, with Students for Life groups now outnumbering Planned Parenthood groups 4 to 1.

New poll: Millennials oppose abortion, even when they call themselves pro-choice: 36% of millennials identified as pro-life, with 48% identifying as 'pro-choice.' Yet 53% believed abortion should be illegal in all or most circumstances.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

WATCH: Planned Parenthood Doc Said She Would “Break the Baby’s Neck” if Born Alive After Abortion

Watch the video and listen to the mother as she describes her change of heart and thoughts, in the process of starting an abortion. This will give you new information and new insight as to what many women go through when contemplating and choosing to have an abortion. You will learn something and it will surprise you.

WATCH: Planned Parenthood Doc Said She Would “Break the Baby’s Neck” if Born Alive After Abortion: A Planned Parenthood abortionist's shocking admission to a late-term abortion patient is back in the spotlight after Democrats in Congress repeatedly blocked bills to protect newborns from infanticide.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Born Alive Bill Voted Down

Listen to this and see what you think. You might identify with what is being said.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Baby Is Abandoned And Left To Freeze To Death – But Now Watch What This ...

Very heartwarming story! You will love it and be amazed!

The True Story of Jane Doe and Mary Roe - Allan Parker on The Jim Bakker...

Facts that you may not know about RoeVWade. The True Story of Jane Doe and Mary Roe - Allan Parker! By the attorney who represented Norma McCorvy when she wanted to go back to the Supreme Court to ask them to reverse their decision.

Friday, February 22, 2019

National Day of Mourning on Saturday Will Protest New York Legalizing Abortions Up to Birth

National Day of Mourning on Saturday Will Protest New York Legalizing Abortions Up to Birth: Pro-lifers are encouraged to wear black and refrain from shopping Saturday for a National Day of Mourning for abortion. A New York pastor came up with the id

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Voters in Alabama, West Virginia Affirm There’s No Right to Kill Unborn Babies in Abortion

Voters in West Virginia and Alabama had the power to decide about the future of abortions in their states, and they chose life! This is wonderful! People are beginning to stand up to acknowledge that life in the womb, is just that --- life in the womb! The scientific facts and  findings are bringing awareness to the people of America that we are talking about human beings, not blobs of tissue. Right from conception the egg and sperm are human life.  

Voters in Alabama, West Virginia Affirm There’s No Right to Kill Unborn Babies in Abortion: Voters in West Virginia and Alabama had the power to decide about the future of abortions in their states, and they chose life. On Tuesday, both states passe

Arizona Defeats Bill to Allow Infanticide, Repeal Medical Care for Babies Born Alive After Abortions

It is, certainly, is wonderful to see that the people of Arizona have spoken up to their Legislators and made their beliefs and wishes known regarding the value and preservation of human life! To see the abominable laws that New York has signed into law and Virginia wants to put on the books, is beyond comprehension in America! It is comforting to see that more people are becoming aware of the issues and making a stand for life, in the other states across America! 

Arizona Defeats Bill to Allow Infanticide, Repeal Medical Care for Babies Born Alive After Abortions: An Arizona House committee has defeated legislation that would allow infanticide, following the new law in New York state for abortions up to birth. Like that N

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Abortion no more: Dr. Kathi Aultman shares why she became pro-life

This is an excellent comparison to New York Governor Cuomo Signing Law Allowing Abortion Up to Birth that removes health & safety provisions 4 women including abortion after 12 weeks to be done by physician. It, also, removes criminal liability if abortion provider causes death of mother when performing late term abortion.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Martin Luther King, Jr., "What Is Your Life's Blueprint?"

You must listen to what a wonderful speech he gave to the young people in Junior High School! So much inspiration and such encouragement! What a great service he was to humanity!

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Flying Robot Rockstars

This is absolutely amazing! You must see and hear this! These geniuses have surpassed themselves! 

Former Abortionists

Another perspective on abortion, from former abortionists, themselves.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

America Used to be “Pro-Choice” on Slavery. It Can’t Stay “Pro-Choice” on Abortion

America Used to be “Pro-Choice” on Slavery. It Can’t Stay “Pro-Choice” on Abortion: Tennessee's new senator, Marsha Blackburn, has just introduced the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act. This coincides with this year's March for Life.

Who among us did not learn American history without a sense of disbelief that once slavery existed in our nation, founded on the principles of freedom and equality?  One day Americans will look back on our history with disbelief that it was once legal in America for women to be judge and jury of life itself and to destroy the miracle of life within them.
Slowly, albeit too slowly, awareness is building in America that true freedom starts with respect for the mystery and sanctity of life.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Andrew Cuomo’s Bill Allowing Abortion Up to Birth Could Make being Pro-Life a Crime

What do you think about taking the life of a human being that is growing in his/her mother's womb and is matured and formed up to the point where he/she is ready to be born? You have seen what a new born baby looks like and you have heard the baby cry ---- think about this for a minute and reflect on it.  Irregardless of what other people tell you, what do you think about this?

Andrew Cuomo’s Bill Allowing Abortion Up to Birth Could Make being Pro-Life a Crime: A radical pro-abortion bill in New York could make being pro-life a crime, pro-life state leaders warned this week. The so-called Reproductive Health Act wou

Trailer Released for New Roe v. Wade Movie: The Story of What Really Happened

If you are, truly, open minded you will look at this from the pro-life point of view, as well as  pro-abortion beliefs, so that you can see both sides of the issue. If you cannot look at the opposing opinions, you are missing the most important aspects of the case, and cannot make an independent decision for yourself. 

Trailer Released for New Roe v. Wade Movie: The Story of What Really Happened: The first trailer for the much-anticipated new film “Roe v. Wade” is out. The movie, which will tell the true story of the lies and manipulations used to

Amazing Video Shows Unborn Baby in First Trimester Moving Her Arms and Legs

Amazing Video Shows Unborn Baby in First Trimester Moving Her Arms and Legs: Recently, I saw an amazing video in a post on the Nurses&Midwives4Life Ireland Facebook page showing a living, first trimester baby on a surgical field.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Friday, January 11, 2019

The Story of Jonah​—A Lesson in Courage and Mercy

Excellent movie about the Bible story of Jonah and the Whale. You will enjoy it!

Monday, January 7, 2019

Hillary Clinton Wants New York State to Legalize Abortions Up to Birth: “There’s No Time to Wait”

What do you think about the idea of taking the life of a baby that is full term, then aborting him or her, just before he or she would have been born? Irregardless of that, just when do you think that it is appropriate to terminate a pregnancy --- at what stage of growth? Watch this scientifically based video and, then, make your decision.

Hillary Clinton Wants New York State to Legalize Abortions Up to Birth: “There’s No Time to Wait”: Hillary Clinton is not on the campaign trail right now, but she still is using her influence to push legalized abortion up to birth. On Sunday, she announced

Sunday, January 6, 2019

THE STORY OF JOSEPH AND HIS BRETHREN // Full Movie // Finlay Currie // E...

Did you see "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat"? Here is the Bible story it was based on.

Fetal Development | Fetal Development Week by Week | Stages of Fetal Dev...

This is amazing! You will see the step by step, day by day development of the human being growing in the womb. After you have watched this, you will understand why there is so much controversy over abortion and the termination of life in the womb.

Baby Development Week by Week

See what is going on inside of the womb of a human being after conception occurs, you will be amazed!